Research & Development

More with less

By always achieving the required performance, we adapt the product’s surface mass. Instead of systematically adding material, we prioritise performance gains achieved through process expertise.

Recycled and selected materials

For new developments, we seek and select recycled materials that are obviously going to meet the customer’s specifications while having a positive impact on the environment. More specifically, for the last few years, we have been maximising the percentage of recycled or post-production fibres in our new products.

In some sectors, it is even possible to develop an alternative version of a non-woven fabric (using both virgin and recycled fibres) to offer customers a choice concerning the type of product they wish to use.

Scraps that can change the world

We are developing a range of products designed using waste material from our own production.

These non-woven fabrics are already present and highly valued in the building and construction industry, the transport and mobility sectors, etc.